Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Thing 19: Seomoz Web 2.0 Awards

For Thing 19 I tried out the hosted wikis PBWiki and Wetpaint. (PBWiki was awarded first place and Wetpaint came in second. I couldn't access the Stikiwiki website, which was the third place winner.).

A Wiki is great if you're working on a group project. Instead of having to email edits and ideas back and forth to your team members or physically meeting for work sessions, any of you can work at any time on the Wiki site.

PBWiki was very business/corporate-oriented. Wetpaint was better for individuals, students, and libraries. Wetpaint gives you templates for the overall look and templates for the organization of your wiki. I didn't find those features at PBWiki (although they might have been there--I didn't have time to intensively search for them).

When I set up a
group project wiki at wetpaint, it gave me a brainstorming page, a research page, a rough draft page, a schedule page, etc. It suggested the sort of text I should enter in different places. Group members can upload photos...and you can track all the changes made by anyone--wetpaint records a history of changes made.

Frustrations with using these wikis are the same as for Google Docs and Zoho online productivity tools--formatting your documents is not easy. You just have to be happy with what you get and not try to make it look perfect.

Notes: Seomoz: Seo is Search Engine Optimization.
Moz is a branding ploy.

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