Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Thing 5 and Thing 6: Flickr and a Mashup

I couldn't wait to investigate Mashups on Flickr. Actually, I really wanted to create one. (Evil laugh.) But I misunderstood what mashups are. I thought you could do things like put a moustache on your favorite coworker's photo. (Sorry, Ivelisse. Not. Evil laugh.)

But in fact a mashup is a combination of tools to create a new tool. Sort of like a digital swiss army knife. I actually used a very useful mashup when I was looking for a house and didn't know it. Zillow lets you view a house's value range; the values of houses around it; a close-up birds-eye view of the land, house, and street; sales history; tax history (taxes going up or down, and how much paid in taxes)...all kinds of useful information. It's a good resource if you're planning on selling your home, too.

The web address is http://www.zillow.com/.

I also posted a few photos on Flickr. Sites like this could save a lot of storage space on your hard drive, or could serve as backup storage.


Miss Dewey Decimal said...

hmmm, zillow sounds useful. but i think i'd prefer some sort of moustache mash-up

Librarian4Change said...

Hey, Miss DD,

Thanks for visiting my blog. I'd prefer the moustache, too.