Friday, February 29, 2008

Thing 7: Technology--Create an MP3 audiofile

You can create an MP3 file using free software called Audacity. It's available here:

For example, you could do a narration for a slide show, adding music and even sound effects. (If you google "free sound effects" you'll find a lot.)

Difficulty level: I did it knowing nothing. You can, too. If you created a blog you can create an audiofile.

The software is Open Source, which means some people worked very hard to develop it but believe in creating a cooperative learning community instead of profiting from everything they do.

I would share the audiofile with you here as an example, but the music is copyrighted so I don't think I can legally upload it. I'll be at the next lab (March 5); ask me then if you want to hear an example of what Audacity can do or have questions about using it. Or--hey--post a question here. [Note: I later put the audiofile in my profile page, temporarily, only for learning purposes. Have a listen.)


pemberly said...

That's so helpful..Secret person..your scribings are so clear and easy to understand....thanks for the tip..

Librarian4Change said...


Thank you for being so nice!
