Saturday, March 1, 2008

A 24th Thing About Globs

Library 2.0 and Learning 2.0 seem to be about building a community of learners. I think creating globs--oops! BLOGS, and reading each others' globs can help build a community for everyone at HPL.

Along those lines, let's add one more thing to our list: read and post comments to each others' globs!!



pemberly said...

right, it's about creating a knowledge base that everyone can partake in..hey anyone got any chocolate..I agree with you Secret Librarian who hides behind snowman..we can all help each other grow, it's virtual the words of a great geek scribe (yeah i meant geek) "Multiply your Reality"

The Hartford Public Library said...

This whole program promotes networking and growth that is determined by us.

Librarian4Change said...

Hartford Public Library,

Yes, I know! I think it's wonderful. Sorry if that wasn't clear in my post.
