Friday, April 18, 2008

Thing 15: Web 2.0, Library 2.0, Learning 2.0

User-driven and user-created services are the key to Web 2.0 and Libraries 2.0.

I agree with those who argue that libraries at their best have always followed this model. We listen to what people ask for and we get it if we don't have it. We find out what people don't know how to do but need to learn and we offer a program to teach them that thing.

My thoughts are this: If we expect a library to "
encourage constant and purposeful change, inviting user participation in the creation of both the physical and the virtual services they want," then the library's internal structure needs to encourage constant and purposeful change, inviting staff participation at all levels of decision-making. The library that doesn't do this can't succeed as a 2.0 library. A library that is 2.0 trusts both its users and its staff as co-developers of services; the collective intelligence of both users and staff is harnessed to build a truly 2.0 library.

1 comment:

Pomfretgirl said...

Well put. And not only staff at all levels. Also listen to our customers, encourage discussion with us.