Saturday, April 19, 2008

Thing 16: WikiWikiQuickie

I love where the term wiki comes from: wiki wiki in Hawaiian means "something fast."

After reading about Libraries 2.0 and Web 2.0 I realize that wikis really embody the core principles of the "2.0": interactivity, collective wisdom, and grass-roots power. Tasks that are monumental for one person can be divided among many and completed and updated with relative ease. However, a lot of broken links, no-longer-maintained wikis and vandalism problems appear when you browse through wikis. For example, because of vandalism, the best practices wiki now requires you sign up and verify your e-mail address before contributing.

My favorite library-related examples of wikis are pathfinder wikis and best practices wikis. And I love Pomfret Girl's idea for us all to create and add to a ready reference wiki for Hartford Public Library.

Here are some different places where you can build your own wiki:
MediaWiki (
Peanut Butter Wiki (
Swiki (
Tiddlywiki (
Very Quick Wiki (

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