Sunday, April 20, 2008

Thing 18: This Post is Zoho

This is a test of the Zoho Word Processing productivity tool. I wrote most of the text below on Zoho and then clicked on a button to publish it to my blog, and voila! Here it is.

Let's try the bullets. MSWord always annoyingly indents them when I want them flush left--how will Zoho do?

  • Nope. Still indented
  • I'm going to try to change that.
  • ...
  • Fuggedaboudit.

The Google blog template slightly changed Zoho's formatting.

This online productivity tool would be ideal for a collaborative project. You can add comments; give different people different levels of editing permission (like, if someone has bad grammer, like, let them write comments instead of adding copy to the document itself)...

What's really nice about it is that you can immediately post it to your blog, or add a link to ALL your Zoho public documents in your blog, or e-mail it to someone. Just click on Zoho's "Publish" or "Share" button to see all the options. What's not so nice is that the formatting is more difficult to control. Maybe we all won't be so fussy in the document world of the future.

1 comment:

Arvind said...

Thanks for trying Zoho Writer. Apologies for not getting the formatting as you expected.

The blogger template you use has a custom CSS file which changes the bullets as those cutesy flowers.

Do try the other Zoho services as well.
